Wednesday February 26, 2025 4:00pm - 4:30pm CST
Co-Authors: Hieu Ngo, Daniel Scholz

The market demand to replace dyne pens for faster, more accurate contact angle and surface energy results which can be made directly in the production area has fueled the development of very sophisticated portable, handheld contact angle goniometers. These devices are growing in popularity and allow immediate measurement of contact angle and surface energy with minimal operator expertise or training required. However, the question arises as to how results obtained using such a handheld device with two test liquids will compare in accuracy and repeatability to the more traditional, lab-scale devices which offer the ability to make high-speed movie measurements of droplet spreading and use as many as three or even four different test liquids. This lecture will compare and contrast contact angle and surface energy results obtained using both a handheld versus a lab-style research-grade contact angle goniometer. Real-world advantages and disadvantages of these two types of measurement devices will be presented.
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Paul Simutis

Bio:    Paul Simutis is an accomplished expert in the field of surface & interfacial science for over 25 years. He manages the DataPhysics Instruments USA applications laboratory and provides advanced, high-level technical support for the company's customer base in North Ameri... Read More →

Wednesday February 26, 2025 4:00pm - 4:30pm CST
Grand Ballroom C

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