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Thursday, February 27

1:00pm CST

Olivia McNair, The University of Southern Mississippi - "Boron Nitride Benzoxazine Composites for Enhanced Thermal Transport for Electronics"
Thursday February 27, 2025 1:00pm - 1:30pm CST

Lightweight, mechanically robust materials capable of high thermal transport and minimal electrical interference are critical for the protection of sensitive high power electrical systems. Polymer composites are an excellent materials solution for protection of such electrical components however their development is met with multiple challenges. For example, polymer-particle interactions, processability, thermal properties, innate particle properties, viscosity, dielectric properties and composite morphology are only a few considerations for material screening. Boron nitride (BN), a thermally conductive low-density ceramic, is a reasonable additive to develop polymer composite solutions due to its inability to conduct electrons and minimal impact on component weight. On the other hand, the polymer carrier material for such ceramic particles is equally important in the development of novel functional materials. The design versatility of benzoxazine (BOX) monomers and polymer precursors offer endless opportunities to tune matrix properties and particle-polymer interactions as well as processing methods. Herein we will discuss key considerations for optimal composite performance, current challenges and limitations toward the development of new materials to fulfill an industry need through the lens of BOX/BN polymer matrix composites.
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Olivia McNair

Assistant Professor, The University of Southern Mississippi
Dr. Olivia McNair is a Tenure Track Assistant Professor at The University of Southern Mississippi School of Polymer Science and Engineering and has served in this capacity for approximately one year. Dr. McNair has a background in education, industrial R&D and program management prior... Read More →

Thursday February 27, 2025 1:00pm - 1:30pm CST
Grand Ballroom A/B

1:30pm CST

Rich Czarnecki, Micro Powders - "Novel Nanocomposite Surface Additives for PFAS Replacement"
Thursday February 27, 2025 1:30pm - 2:00pm CST

"Regulatory activity in both the EU and USA is targeting a large group of chemicals known as PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances). As a result, formulators in many industries are working to replace additive powders based on PTFE and PTFE hybrids with alternative materials that provide the same level of performance.
This presentation will detail a unique nanocomposite approach to eliminate PTFE in surface additives by replacing PTFE with hard, inert, durable materials such as aluminum oxide and ceramics. Data will be presented to show that this portfolio of over 8 additives provides equal or (in most examples) improved surface durability (lubricity, scratch & abrasion resistance) without the use of PTFE."
avatar for Rich Czarnecki

Rich Czarnecki

Vice President, Micro Powders, Inc.
  Bio:   Rich joined Micro Powders in 2011 as Technical Director and is currently Vice President. He has over 35 years of experience in the paints, coatings and inks industries and has led formulation and polymer development teams at companies including Sun Chemical, ICI and Zeneca... Read More →

Thursday February 27, 2025 1:30pm - 2:00pm CST
Grand Ballroom C
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